Rim sanoq sistemasidan o'nlik sanoq sistemaga o'tish bo'yicha test savollari
Informatika fanidan online test
Rim sanoq sistemasidan o'nlik sanoq sistemaga o'tish bo'yicha test savollari

Siz ushbu testda rim raqamlarini arab raqamlariga o'tkazishga oid testlarni ishlashingiz mumkin.

Pythonda qoldiqli bo'lish butun bo'lishga oid online test
Informatika fanidan online test
Pythonda qoldiqli bo'lish butun bo'lishga oid online test

Python dasturlash tilida print(a%b) print(-a%b) print(a%-b) print(-a%-b) print(a//b) print(-a//b) print(a//-b) print(-a//-b) ko'rinishidagi misollardan iborat test sinovi

Essential 1 Unit 9
Ingliz tili fanidan online test
Essential 1 Unit 9

The tests were made based on 4000 Essential English words, the best vocabulary book in the world.

Essential 1 Unit 8
Ingliz tili fanidan online test
Essential 1 Unit 8

The tests were made based on 4000 Essential English words, the best vocabulary book in the world.

Essential 1 Unit 7
Ingliz tili fanidan online test
Essential 1 Unit 7

The tests were made based on 4000 Essential English words, the best vocabulary book in the world.

Essential 1 Unit 6
Ingliz tili fanidan online test
Essential 1 Unit 6

The tests were made based on 4000 Essential English words, the best vocabulary book in the world.

Essential 1 Unit 5
Ingliz tili fanidan online test
Essential 1 Unit 5

The tests were made based on 4000 Essential English words, the best vocabulary book in the world.

4000 Essential English Words - Book 1 (Unit 01~10) For Test
Ingliz tili fanidan online test
4000 Essential English Words - Book 1 (Unit 01~10) For Test

4000 Essential English Words - Book 1 (Unit 01~10) For Test

Essential 1 Unit 4
Ingliz tili fanidan online test
Essential 1 Unit 4

The tests were made based on 4000 Essential English words, the best vocabulary book in the world.

Essential 1 Unit 3
Ingliz tili fanidan online test
Essential 1 Unit 3

The tests were made based on 4000 Essential English words, the best vocabulary book in the world.


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Essential 1 Unit 2
6-02-2022, 20:18
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